Nose Lips Smiling Kiss On Cheek Novelty Face Mask

by Joan Stratton
Nose Lips Smiling Kiss On Cheek Novelty Face Mask
Joan Stratton
Drawing - Handdrawn Digital Illustration
Nose Lips Smiling Kiss On Cheek Novelty Face Mask by Joan Stratton - A fun piece in serious times, novelty art printed on Face Masks. The bottom half of a laughing, happy, smiling face, showing teeth, with a lipstick kiss on the cheek.
The artwork can be resized and positioned via the image size bar and with cursor.
Use the following link to see all face mask art on the face mask for easy ordering; https://joan-stratton.pixels.com/shop/face+masks
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In addition to fine art prints, posters, canvases and greeting cards, I have a wide variety of products available for you or wonderful unique gift ideas for the home, personal and/or fashion items including; throw pillows, covers, tapestries, duvet covers, fleece blankets, shower curtains, beach and bath towels, t-shirts, sweatshirts, face masks, tote bags, yoga mats, spiral notebooks, mugs, portable battery chargers, phone cases for iPhones and Android phones.
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© All Copyrights Reserved By Joan Stratton
April 20th, 2020