Patterned Sheep Red Sky Summer Sunset

by Joan Stratton
Patterned Sheep Red Sky Summer Sunset
Joan Stratton
Drawing - Original Handdrawn From Scratch Digital Illustration
Patterned Sheep Red Sky Summer Sunset by Joan Stratton - The long hot summer's day draws to a close, the sky turns red as the large multi layered sun sinks down on the horizon to illuminate the dry summer grasses of the field and create long silhouetted shadows of the black-faced Suffolk / Marino crossed with black and white patterned sheep. These ewes have their heads down, eating their evening meal while two cheeky willie wagtail birds flitter about and on them. Ah, farm life and a peaceful end to the day.
Hand-drawn painting / graphic illustration from scratch based on my sister's sheep which are a mixed breed of Suffolk and Merino plus the mischievous Australian Willie Wagtail which is the largest of the Australian fantails. Indigenous mythology is that the Willie Wagtail loiters just at the edge of the camp, close enough to listen in on secret conversations, that they later spread about just like their wings.
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In addition to fine art prints, posters, canvases and greeting cards, I have a wide variety of products available for you or wonderful unique gift ideas for the home, personal and/or fashion items including; throw pillows, covers, tapestries, duvet covers, fleece blankets, shower curtains, beach and bath towels, t-shirts, sweatshirts, face masks, tote bags, yoga mats, spiral notebooks, mugs, portable battery chargers, phone cases for iPhones and Android phones.
All products are guaranteed. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
© All Copyrights Reserved By Joan Stratton
March 6th, 2022
Comments (97)

Leanne Seymour
Congratulation on your feature on the Semi Abstract - 1 A Day group homepage! Please be sure to add your featured images to the group discussion thread created for you to archive your features.

Lyric Lucas
Congratulations, your beautiful artistic work is Featured on the home page of the "Bedroom Art Gallery" group. 3/11/22 l/f/pin

Neli Stoyanova
Congratulations on being featured on the home page of the FAA Group “Everything Sunset.” I am proud to display and promote your talents. Please post your featured image in the group's discussion thread so it remains available for viewing in the group.

Maryse Jansen
Congratulations! Your image is now featured on the home page of The Best Of Down Under – Australia! Please add your image to the Featured Images Archive 2022 discussion thread for prolonged exposure. LF

Randy Rosenberger
Bravo! You have been chosen to have your beautiful piece of artwork from your portfolio featured on the homepage of our Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery Group. It is with honor an privilege that I have chosen this particular piece of your works to be a feature on our homepage due to its striking appearance, color, composition, and simply the fact that I really like it. Congrats on your feature!