Dandelion Seeds You Are Beautiful

by Joan Stratton
Dandelion Seeds You Are Beautiful
Joan Stratton
Drawing - Original Handdrawn From Scratch Digital Illustration
Dandelion Seeds You Are Beautiful by Joan Stratton - A word art poster piece text stating, You Are Beautiful on a striking painted artwork of a dandelion seed head with the seeds dancing off into the distance on a colourfully textured background.
Springtime wildflower fields of dandelions are spent, the puff ball shaped seed heads that fill the field are paused in anticipation of the breeze that will carry them away into fields afar. As a child, I remember picking the stalk and holding the blowball up to my lips as I took a deep breath and while exhaling, I wished for something I had dreamed of having. The expelled air was enough for the light seeds to release the hold on the flower base and they drifted up into the sky as they were caught on the breeze which carried my wish off to magical place and time.
This piece forms part of my Dandelion Make A Wish Series.
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© All Copyrights Reserved By Joan Stratton
January 17th, 2021
Comments (112)

Diamante Lavendar
Congratulations! Your wonderful art is being featured in Emotive Art Group! Please take a moment to visit the group and archive your work under the feature discussion link provided! ~Diamante